Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bumbo Seats and Hot Cars

Bumbo seats are being recalled because babies can fall out of them.  Am I the only one who thinks this is ridiculous?  Of course babies can fall out of them.  You shouldn't leave your baby unattended.  I think it is a bit over the top that we need to be told that we shouldn't leave our babies unattended.   As a mother, I can clearly get the concept of having to be everywhere all at once.  I'm changing Nick and Colin is standing on the kitchen table, is an example that comes to mind.  Sometimes things will happen that we cannot control. However, recalling millions of baby seats that are for babies learning to sit only costs the company money and probably makes the next hot item more expensive.  They make trays to go on these seats. Even with that, I should never leave my baby unattended.   The questions becomes, " At what point do we take responsibility for our own children?"

I heard of another incident of parents leaving children in hot cars.  The kids suffered from heat exhaustion.  I don't recall if they died, in this particular case, but that has happened, too.  So now, some consumer group advocates for car companies to make alarms to prevent it.    I have sympathy for anyone who this has happened to.  To my knowledge, none of them intentionally left their children in the hot car, just for the sake of it.  They estimate the time won't be that long; or just plain forget.  How often have you been in a hurry and forget to do something?  But you would never leave your kid -  I wouldn't be so quick to say that. I will never forget the day I took Colin out of his car seat. I reached in the van to get a bag, and he was already in the street. There was a car full of teenagers coming down the road.  I was running to get him; scared to death they weren't paying attention.  Thank God they were; and stopped, literally, a few feet from him.  

I don't know what the answer is other than stop leaving kids unattended.   If you see a child in a hot car, or a baby unattended, do something about it.   Step in and help.  I don't think we need to create more of a nanny state where the government poses regulations on companies for "supposed" safety violations.  At some point common sense has to come into play. 

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